
Also? I feel it’s notable that MST3K actually did a couple episodes. It’s that bad it’s worthy.

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Oh god Lee Van Cleef! Gahh of course Lee Majors is way too cool for that nonsense.

I always loved the fight scenes between the Master and …okay so you obviously remember the evil chainmail ninja’s name. It’s…Okasa?

But as a fight choreographer those fights always delighted me—they’re SO somnambulantly slow….😅

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Sai! I know that. I want to blame autocorrect but I think I wrote that late at night when I was worried about hitting my deadline. Thank you for pointing out the mistake. I’ll correct it in the web version.

Don’t think I buy into your whole “I used to be a contender act”. Denying your on-going service and clandestine activities is exactly the sort of thing a real life ninja would do. I lived through the 80’s. I watched all of those ninja movies, eh, documentaries back in the day.

I’m onto you, Zuko!

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Oh my gosh do you remember that wonderfully horrible show called The Master, about an old ninja master (f*ing Lee Majors!) who’s searching for his daughter, and is chased from episode to episode by an evil ninja with a--I kid you not--chainmail ninja hood? And he’s traveling across the country in a van owned by a hapless white kid who then trains under him in ninjutsu? Oh my god it’s so so bad...🫣🥷🏻

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I'm embarrassed to talk about how many Ninja movies I watched during the 80's. Remember the TV show Sidekicks?

Also, I think you mean Lee Van Cleef-- not Lee Majors. And, eh, yeah, I might have seen it... ya know at a friends house or something. https://vintageninja.net/i-can-finally-enjoy-the-master/

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“The Master could have been set up as a ninja equivalent of Kung-Fu, but instead was a clone of any given episode of Knight Rider or The A-Team re-skinned, with some ninja elements squirted in with a turkey baster. And the juice of that turkey baster was Sho Kosugi.” HA! I love this inordinately.

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Yes, the Glen Larson writing formulas dominated the 80's. Everyone used them.

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Right! I was gonna say Steven J Cannell, but. Yeah.

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Tomatah, tomato. Same difference.

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Wait wait wait...Is that article yours? I don’t see a byline. It’s terrific!

Omg can I just regale you with stories of the worn out VHS tapes of Shoto Tanemura we used to watch daily in my first school? Ahhh such good stuff.

Except that would be admitting to ninja-dom and then I’d have to kill you...

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No. Not mine. I had to Google it because I remembered the show, but the Bionic Ninja part was throwing me off. Now, I’m sad that we never had a Bionic Ninja show.

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Yeah why didn’t we? Maybe I should make a cheesy retro one in the vein of Black Dynamite. Like make a new Last Dragon with all the 80s music videos forced in and none of the racism.

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