My husband Dave and I also work from home. Our desks are in separate rooms of our flat, but we can see each other if we both turn and face the center of our space — and we text each other all day long. But at the end of the day, it does seem like we have been at separate jobs. Brains are weird :-)

Do you know hurkle-durkle?! It's like snerdle, but Scottish:


Love that I now know two terms for this delicious phenomenon.

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I had heard of hurkle-durkle, yes! I had an image for it saved in my vocab word archive but I don’t know where it went. Such fun crispy words for a comforting thing.

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Whoa. 'Crispy words' just became my new favorite phrase. (Also, a great name for a band made up of writers, readers, and librarians.)

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O yeah great band name!! 🙃

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