Day 8: I Remember
I Remember when I didn’t have to take a pill each day to keep life and limb together, to keep the ol’ mortal coil shuffling.
IR the first time my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, and the weird tingling dizziness that wasn’t a heart attack but was not good even so.
IR the gradual period where the doctors would say your blood pressure is fine and then well it’s a bit high but you’re fine into we need to get you a prescription because this is not great. Also lose some weight.
IR the very first prescription I got (well not including that brief time on The Pill on which I became dangerously depressed) made my fingers stiffen every afternoon at 2pm and made me feel dizzy every day at 3.
I Remebered to take my pill this morning. At least, I think I did. I wonder if I should take one now just in case. I’ll wait till the morning time when I always do (I think I did but). Now I lay me down to sleep…