Day 11: A failure recorded on Veteran’s Day
Is this what a failure is, for someone who’s not young?
My failure today is failing my family.
Some in my family don’t get to fail.
I did.
That either makes me a dependent, or
a parasite. Right?
Or, useless.
Mostly useless.
(not at all harmless.)
A simple, almost-stellar performance that yet fails is not an option
for someone on the battlefield
whether it’s war,
or nursery.
Sometimes, one failure (as much as as it may be close, but no cigar)
serves to undo a lifetime of warriorship.
“A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.”
I’ll get up.
For what it’s worth.
It’s okay, even though it isn’t.
What I’m thinking is,
I’ll write a poem
about Victory.